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Skirting Board Installation Costs & Free Quotes

Last Updated on December 31, 2022 By Dave

Are you looking to install new skirting boards in your home? Trying to understand how much it will cost before getting started? This page provides an overview on average installation costs, as well as advice on where you can obtain competitive quotes from local tradesmen.

Average UK Skirting Board Installation Costs

Skirting board installation costs can vary depending on a number of factors, including the material, size, and complexity of the project. The following table provides an overview of average costs for skirting board installation in the UK:

Material Size Cost
MDF Standard £80-£100
MDF Custom £100-£120
Pine Standard £100-£120
Pine Custom £120-£140
Oak Standard £120-£140
Oak Custom £140-£160
Hardwood Standard £140-£160
Hardwood Custom £160-£180

Factors Affecting Skirting Board Installation Costs

  • Material: The type of material used for the skirting board can affect the cost of installation. MDF is typically the most affordable option, while hardwood is more expensive.
  • Size: The size of the skirting board can also impact the cost of installation. Standard size skirting boards are typically less expensive to install than custom sizes.
  • Complexity: The complexity of the installation can also affect the cost. For example, installing skirting boards in a room with multiple corners or around irregularly shaped walls may be more expensive than in a simple, rectangular room.
  • Location: The location of the installation can also affect the cost. For example, installing skirting boards in a high-rise building may be more expensive due to the need for scaffolding or other specialized equipment.
  • Labor: The cost of labor can vary depending on the contractor and the location of the project.
new skirting board installation costs

Types of Materials Used for Skirting Boards in the UK

Skirting boards come in many different materials and styles, from traditional wooden panels to modern PVC options. Here are some common materials used in the UK:


Wooden skirting boards offer classic style with natural warmth and texture that adds character to any room. They come in various woods such as pine, oak or walnut but may require more upkeep than other options due to their porous nature which can attract moisture over time if not sealed properly.


Medium-density fibreboard (MDF) is an engineered wood product made by combining wood fibres together with resin adhesives under heat and pressure. It's cheaper than solid wood but still looks good when painted or stained; however it's less durable than solid timber so may need replacing sooner if knocked or scratched regularly.


PVC skirting boards are popular choices due to their low cost, durability and ease of maintenance; they don't require painting or staining like wooden varieties do plus they're water resistant making them ideal for bathrooms or kitchens where there could be higher levels of humidity present throughout the year. However they tend not look quite as attractive compared with real wood options so this needs to be taken into consideration before purchase too!

Installing Skirting Boards

Materials Needed:

  • Skirting boards (lengths will vary depending on size of room)
  • Wood glue or adhesive caulk
  • Carpenter's level
  • Miter saw or hand saw

Preparation Steps:

  • 1. Measure each wall carefully and mark out where you plan on installing your skirting boards with a pencil or marker. This includes measuring out doorways, windows, fireplaces etc.
  • 2. Cut your skirting board lengths according to measurements using either a miter saw or hand saw - making sure they fit snugly against the walls without leaving gaps between pieces.

Installing Your Skirtings Boards:

  1. Apply wood glue along one side of length of skirtings board before pressing it firmly up against wall – make sure that it’s level by checking with carpenter’s level regularly as you go along so it doesn’t become uneven over time due gravity pulling down on one side more than other sides!
  2. Secure skirtings into place by hammering nails through pre-drilled holes at regular intervals (approx 10-15cm apart) into wall studs if possible – if not then use drywall anchors/screws instead which will help ensure secure attachment onto surface material such as plasterboard too!
  3. Once all lengths have been secured onto walls, apply bead of adhesive caulk around edges where two pieces meet up together in order for them to stay tightly connected over time without fear of coming loose again due air circulation etcetera…
  4. Lastly fill any nail holes left behind with wood putty before sanding down smooth when dry so there’ll be no visible marks left behind when finished painting job completed afterwards!

Finishing Up & Painting:

  1. Use sandpaper lightly across entire surface area once done fitting skirtings in order remove any splinters and give smoother look overall before beginning painting job itself; this step is important since rough areas won't take paint properly leading poor coverage outcome later on.
  2. Finally prime surfaces first using appropriate primer type (water-based latex works best most cases) then begin applying a coat of your chosen paint colour scheme – allow drying times between coats as recommended manufacturer guidelines dictate before touching up spots missed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some common questions about skirting board installation to help you get started on this project in no time!

What exactly is a Skirting Board?

A skirting board (also known as baseboard) is an architectural trim piece used around the perimeter of a room. It generally runs along both walls and sometimes even between them so that there's no gap between two adjoining rooms. The purpose of this trim piece is primarily aesthetic, as it adds visual interest and detail to whatever space its installed in while also providing protection against dirt or moisture seeping underneath flooring materials like carpet or hardwood floors.

Why should I use skirting boards?

Skirtings not only provide structural reinforcement to help prevent cracks appearing in plasterwork but also act as protection again furniture being bumped up against walls plus their attractive appearance makes rooms feel finished off nicely too which adds value when selling properties on further down the line if desired.

What tools do I need?

You will require several basic tools when it comes to installing skirtings boards including measuring tape, spirit level, saws (both handsaw and electric), chisels (for cutting door frames), drill/driver set with various bits sizes as well as screws and nails depending on what type of material is used for the skirting board itself plus caulking gun if needed . It’s also recommended that you wear safety glasses throughout the process too.

How Do I Measure For My New Skirts?

Measuring accurately before cutting is essential when working with new pieces - measure twice cut once! Firstly measure from corner-to-corner across each wall where the skirts will be fitted – make sure these measurements match up perfectly otherwise small gaps could appear after installation has been completed Secondly mark on all internal corners where miters need creating Finally take measurement at top middle & bottom points along each wall making sure they stay consistent throughout.

What materials should I use?

You have options here when choosing which material best suits your needs; softwood such as pine or MDF are popular choices due their inexpensive nature however hardwood such as oak may give better longevity in certain areas subject to water exposure like bathrooms etc.. Whatever option chosen make sure appropriate fixings e.g nails/screws etc.,are available prior to beginning the process otherwise quality of finish might suffer!

Where should my skiting start & end?

The starting point would depend largely upon whether there is existing plasterwork present but typically these installations begin around 100mm off floorboards & staircases i order achieve desired effect aesthetically speaking within rooms whilst ending points usually coincide with doors frame tops allowing for enough height clearance underneath without causing obstruction when opening . Once again accuracy during measurement stage will pay dividends later!

Should I use adhesive?

Adhesive isn't necessary unless opting towards using MDF over other types wood hence why many people tend opt out given the choice. Though not always necessary some choose to incorporate adhesive into projects regardless just for extra peace mind knowing the entire structure held securely place via a combination of nail/screw fixing methods coupled with adhesives applied directly onto surfaces themselves.

Can gaps left behind filled?

Yes, small gaps between skirting sections and where the board meets the wall can be easily filled simply by using decorators caulk which is overpaintable once dry. If you're using an exposed finish such as oak skirting, then care needs to be taken to ensure the joints are seamless as any filling would be noticeable.

What’s the best way to clean my wooden skirting board?

Regular dusting using either a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner attachment is essential for keeping wooden skirtings looking great however occasionally sponging them with warm water mixed with washing up liquid will remove stubborn dirt build ups leaving them looking fresh once again whilst still protecting their natural finish over time too.

Can I paint my existing PVCu/Plastic Skirting?

Yes absolutely - providing it has been thoroughly cleaned first using warm soapy water followed by rubbing down any rough surfaces lightly before applying multiple coats of good quality acrylic based paints ideally suited specifically for plastics – this should ensure optimal coverage results afterwards without damaging material integrity underneath either.

What Types of Skirtings Boards are Available?

There is an extensive range of different types available including:

  • Wooden moulded skirtings These come pre-moulded in various styles for ease and convenience when installing
  • Plain wooden skirtings These are simple planks which offer flexibility when it comes to customising shapes and designs
  • Laminate flooring skirtings If you have laminate flooring in your home these match perfectly creating seamless decoration around floors
  • PVC skirtings Popular due to their durability, easy maintenance properties and wide range of colours & textures available