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How Much Does It Cost To Board A Loft?

Are you thinking of boarding your loft? Loft boarding provides an attractive and cost-effective way to expand usable storage space in a home or business. But how much does it actually cost? In this article, we discuss everything from materials costs to labour rates so that you can make informed decisions when planning your project.

average UK loft boarding costs

When considering how much it will cost to board your loft, there are several factors that come into play. Firstly, the type and amount of materials needed is important - different types of boards require different amounts of installation time and hardware needs. Secondly, labour costs should be factored in; depending on where you live and who's doing the work, these could range from DIY projects to professional installers working at hourly rates. Finally, don't forget about any extras like insulation or lighting fixtures which may also factor into the total price tag.

Benefits Of Loft Boarding

Loft boarding is an increasingly popular home improvement project. It provides a number of benefits, including improved storage space and increased property value. Loft boarding can also help to improve the energy efficiency of your home by providing insulation for your roof and walls.

The cost of loft boarding will depend on several factors, such as size and complexity. Generally speaking, you should expect to pay between £250-400 per square meter for basic loft boarding services, although this can vary depending on the quality of materials used and additional features like lighting or ventilation systems. However, when compared with other home improvements that add value to your home, such as replacing windows or installing new flooring, loft boarding can be relatively inexpensive.

Average Loft Boarding Costs

Area (M2) Materials Labour Cost Total Cost
10 £100 £250 £350
15 £150 £350 £500
20 £200 £450 £650
25 £250 £550 £800
30 £300 £650 £950
35 £350 £750 £1,100
40 £400 £850 £1,250

Loft Boarding Cost Calculator

Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of boarding a loft can vary significantly depending on factors such as the size and complexity of the project. The materials used, labour costs, and even planning permission can all influence how much it will ultimately cost you to board your loft.

When considering what type of loft boards to use for your project, be sure to consider not only the cost but also their durability. Quality boards are likely to last longer than cheaper alternatives – so spending that little bit extra could save you money in the long run. Another factor to take into account is whether or not planning permission is required for any changes made during a conversion - this may add an additional layer of expense due to associated fees.

Impact Of Loft Size And Accessibility

The first factor is the size of your loft – this will affect both the materials you need for boarding and also any additional labour required. Generally speaking, larger lofts require more material which means higher costs. Furthermore, many companies charge by square metre so bigger lofts will naturally mean higher prices.

Another important factor to take into account is access to the space; some lofts have easy access while others may need ladders or other solutions such as stairs or hatches installed before they can be boarded up. This type of work falls under building regulations and therefore requires professional installation, again resulting in extra costs.

To summarise:

  • Size impacts materials needed as well as price per square metre charged
  • Loft ladder installations fall under building regulations and require professionals
  • Additional storage solutions (stairs/hatches) might be necessary depending on access requirements
  • Larger lofts lead to greater overall costs due to increased material needs
  • Professional installation adds further complexity and expense

Boarding Methodology

When it comes to boarding a loft, there are two main methods: raised loft boarding and full loft conversion.

  1. Raised loft boarding: is the least expensive option, usually costing between £250-£400 per square metre depending on the type of materials used. This method involves insulating the space and raising the floor level so that storage can be added in underneath.
  2. Full loft conversions: involve more work and come at a higher cost, typically ranging from around £500-£800 per square metre or even more if extra features such as Velux windows are included. The price range depends largely on the complexity of the build, with larger lofts requiring more structural support and additional labour time. Whatever your budget may be, proper planning will ensure you get the best value for money when considering either method of boarding your loft.

Insulation Requirements

Another factor to consider is whether you need additional insulation in your loft, as this can significantly increase the total cost. Insulation boards are available in various sizes and thicknesses, so it's important to choose the right product for your particular space. You'll also need to install insulation before boarding the loft, which may add extra costs depending on what type you choose.

When deciding how much insulation you need, check with local building regulations or consult an expert who can advise on suitable levels based on where you live and other factors such as weather conditions. Make sure that any insulation installed meets current standards; otherwise it won't be effective at keeping out heat or cold air and could end up costing more in energy bills over time.

Types Of Insulation Needed

Loose fill insulation is often used for filling small areas between joists or rafters, while sheet insulation can be used to insulate larger spaces. Blanket insulation is typically used as an overall layer over the existing material in order to increase energy efficiency.

When deciding which type of insulation to use when boarding a loft, it's important to consider factors like price, availability and whether or not it meets building regulations. For example, some types of loose fill are much cheaper than other forms of insulation but may not provide adequate protection against heat loss or soundproofing. Sheet insulation tends to be more expensive than loose fill but provides better thermal performance and acoustic benefits. Finally, blanket insulation is usually the most cost-effective option as it effectively covers large areas quickly and easily whilst providing effective thermal regulation.

Fire Safety

Boarding a loft isn't just about insulating yourself from external temperatures - fire safety should also be taken into account when selecting materials for your project. Check the specifications of any products being used to make sure they meet relevant fire resistance requirements and comply with building regulations. Not doing so could lead to serious injury or damage down the line if there was ever a problem with fire safety in your home.

Finishing Touches

Transitioning from insulation requirements, we move onto the finishing touches for a successful loft boarding project. After all that hard work of insulating and installing loft floor boarding, it’s time to make sure you have everything taken care of before your project is finished. To make this process easier, here is a table outlining the cost associated with tongue groove boards, mineral wool, and other materials needed to complete the job:

Materials Quantity Cost
Loft Boarding 10 sqm £65
Tongue Groove Boards 15 m £150
Mineral Wool 3 Bags £25

The total cost to board up your loft should be around £240 excluding any additional supplies like screws or nails. Although this may seem like an expensive task now, investing in quality materials will provide long-term savings on energy bills as well as increasing the value of your property. Remember that proper installation by qualified professionals can also help ensure the longevity of your investment too. With these tips in mind, there's no reason why you can't achieve a professionally finished loft space!

DIY loft boarding step by step

DIY Step By Step Instructions For Boarding A Loft

Boarding a loft is an important part of maintaining and improving the energy efficiency of your home. This process can be done in several ways, depending on budget and the insulation already present in the space. Here are step-by-step instructions for boarding a loft, with a price guide to help you decide which option best suits your needs.

The first step when boarding a loft is to install loft insulation. The cost for this type of work will depend on the size of your property, as well as any specific requirements that need to be met due to local regulations or building standards. Generally speaking, prices start at around £500 and go up from there. It's worth getting quotes from different contractors so that you get a good idea of what it will cost before committing to anything.

Once the insulation is installed, it's time to board the loft itself. You can choose between using chipboard or plywood boards, both of which come in various sizes and thicknesses. Chipboard tends to be cheaper than plywood but is also less durable; therefore if you intend to use the space regularly then spending more money on higher quality materials may be worthwhile in the long run. Prices usually range from £50 - £200 per panel depending on material choice and size required.

In addition to buying materials, labour costs should also be taken into account when calculating how much it'll cost overall for boarding a loft; expect these fees to add approximately 30% onto the total bill – depending on experience level and availability of contractors in your area. With all factors considered, it’s likely that you’ll end up paying somewhere between £750 - £1500+ (including VAT) for the whole job from start to finish.

Therefore it pays off researching options beforehand and obtaining multiple quotes: while investing upfront could save significantly down the line by ensuring better installation results via skilled professionals who guarantee their workmanship!

Weight Capacity Considerations

When boarding a loft, one of the most important considerations is the weight capacity of the ladders and flooring. Loft ladders are rated to take up to 150 kgs in total when fully loaded with people and objects, while chipboard flooring can support between 250-400 kg/m2 depending on its thickness. If you’re planning to store heavy items in your loft or will be using it for storage purposes, then you may need additional reinforcement from an experienced builder.

It's important to take time researching what type of materials are suitable for use in your particular situation – both in terms of cost and weight bearing capabilities – so that you don't inadvertently put yourself at risk of injury or damage due to incorrect installation methods or poor quality materials. Ultimately this could end up costing much more than anticipated if not done properly from the outset.

Measuring Your Loft Space

Here are four steps for measuring your loft space:

  1. Measure the length and width of each side of your loft in metres with a tape measure or ruler.
  2. Multiply the two measurements together - this gives you the total square metres that need to be boarded up.
  3. Calculate any areas where boards may not fit perfectly – such as awkward corners and angles – by breaking them down into individual shapes, multiplying their lengths and widths together, and adding them onto the overall measurement from Step 2.
  4. Add 10% extra onto your total measurement to allow for cutting waste during installation process.

With all those numbers calculated, now you have an accurate representation of how much board material is needed for covering your entire loft space- which allows you to get an estimate on how much it could end up costing in terms of materials and labour (depending on who installs). Knowing these details before starting work helps ensure there are no expensive surprises along the way!

Loft Boarding Vs Self Storage

Loft boarding is an ideal storage solution for those looking to create more space in their home. It allows you to easily store items away from sight, without taking up valuable floor space. Compared to self storage, loft boarding can be a much more cost-effective option if you’re just looking for extra space storage. Self storage typically requires a monthly or annual fee and the costs of transportation getting your belongings there and back. When it comes to loft boarding, all that’s required is the initial installation cost which will depend on how large your loft area is and what type of materials are being used.

The main benefits of choosing loft boarding as opposed to self storage include convenience and ease of access. Many people find that having easy access to their stored items makes life significantly easier when they need something in a hurry. Further, with loft boarding each item can be neatly organized which keeps everything neat and tidy while still allowing maximum use of available space. Lastly, by utilizing existing spaces such as lofts within your own home, you don't have to worry about paying additional fees like you might with self storage solutions.

Benefits Outlined

Benefits Cost
Extra Space Low-Cost Option
Pest and Critter Prevention Accessible DIY Installation
Structural Stability and Insulation Improvement Long Lasting Materials

Investing in boarding up your attic makes perfect sense when taking all these factors into consideration; not only does it provide added security through pest prevention, but also increases energy efficiency and gives you more useable space within your property – all this for a comparatively low cost!

the benefoits of boarding your loft

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Usually Take To Board A Loft?

Boarding a loft is a project that can take some time to complete. It involves measuring the space, preparing the boards, and cutting them down to size if necessary. The process also requires securing the boards in place with screws or nails. Depending on your skill level and available tools, it could take anywhere from several hours to multiple days to board up a loft area.

If you're considering boarding up your own loft, make sure you have all of the right supplies before getting started. You'll need wood panels such as plywood or OSB (oriented strand board), along with appropriate power tools like saws and drills. With these materials in hand, it's just a matter of taking measurements and following instructions for proper installation techniques.

It may seem daunting at first, but don't be intimidated by the task! If you break each step into smaller chunks, it becomes much more manageable -- plus, there are plenty of online tutorials that provide helpful advice for tackling this DIY job safely and effectively.

What Is The Best Type Of Material To Use For Loft Boarding?

Wooden boards are one popular choice for loft boarding. They're relatively inexpensive, easy to cut into shape and can provide good insulation when fitted tightly together. On the downside they may not be suitable if there’s a lot of condensation or dampness present in the space.

A more resilient alternative is plastic board, which is resistant to moisture damage and provides excellent thermal insulation too. It’s also quite light-weight which makes it easier to install than some other materials. The main drawback with this material is that it can be pricier than wood so depending on budget constraints this might not be the most ideal solution.

Are There Any Safety Considerations To Take Into Account?

Boarding a loft can be an effective way to create extra storage, but there are certain safety considerations that need to be taken into account. From checking the structural integrity of the roof and walls to ensuring any materials used meet fire safety standards, it's important to approach this project in the right manner.

To ensure safety when boarding your loft:

  • Check structure:
  • Inspect joists for signs of damage or wear-and-tear.
  • Make sure insulation is up-to-date and meets current regulations.
  • Choose appropriate materials:
  • Use noncombustible material such as metal boards for utmost security.
  • Ensure all fixings comply with fire safety standards.
  • Consider other issues:
  • Place air bricks at regular intervals around the perimeter of the room for ventilation purposes.
  • Make sure lighting fixtures are securely fixed to avoid potential hazards from falling objects.

Before beginning any work on your loft, make sure you take every necessary precautionary measure in order to maintain safe working conditions throughout the project. This could include enlisting professional help if needed and using suitable ladders or scaffolding equipment where applicable. Taking these steps will not only give you peace of mind but will also guarantee optimal results once the job is complete!

Does Boarding A Loft Add Value To A Property?

Boarding a loft is an affordable and effective way to add value to any property. It can help increase the sale price of a house, as well as improve its appeal for potential buyers.


In conclusion, boarding a loft can be an easy and great way to add extra storage space. It's important to know the cost before starting any project like this so you can budget accordingly. Generally speaking, it's not terribly expensive when you factor in materials and labour costs. The best type of material for loft boarding is often plywood or chipboard as they provide more stability than other options. Boarding a loft will also likely add value to your property, making it much easier should you decide to sell in the future. All in all, if done properly, board lofts can be a great addition for any home!